Footnote [10]:
I learned the possibility of digitizing analog current which technology
was later proliferated for the advancement of multimedia via Internet.
In the summer of 1972, I visited a scientist in Santa Barbara, California. He showed me his new digitalization equipment for music. He played a symphony by Beethoven and fed into ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network of the U.S. Defense Department, the predecessor of Internet), which started with only four institutions (*) in late 1960s to receive it with another mini-computer. I could not distinguish the one I heard directly with his LP record player from the one which went through ARPANET. This was probably because the ARPANET trunk line was not much congested with a few users at only sixty four universities at that time. We now often encounter with poor quality of Internet telephony, especially in international arena across oceans -- more later.
(*) The four institutions were the University of California in Los Angeles, the University of California in Santa Barbara, the University of Utah, and Stanford Research Institute in Palo Alto, California.