EMERGING GLOBAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE LEARNING (EGDL¥99) conference & workshp, Tampere 9-13 August 1999-09-06
Press coverage:
Prior to the event:
Aikalainen 1/1999
Finnish News Agency: story published 27.7.or 28.7. 1999 at least by Kaleva (enclosed), Hmeen Sanomat, Pohjolan Sanomat, Karjalainen, Etel-Saimaa, Savon Sanomat
Finnish Broadcasting Company: national television news 30.7. (main news at 20.30)
During the event:
Finnish News Agency: nerws published by most media 9.8 or 10.8. 1999
French News Agency 9.8.
Helsingin Sanomat 10. 8.
Aamulehti 10.8.
Hmeen Sanomat 10.8.
Radio Tampere 9.8.
Radio Hme 9.8. & 10.8.
Tampere Television 9.8.
After the event:
Hmeen Sanomat 14.8. (news & editorial)
Radio One (Finnish Broadcasting Company) 15.9.
Radio Suomi (Finnish Broadcasting Company) 17.8.
Radio Nova
Ote - opetusteknologia
Taloussanomat (15.9.)
Television Tampere 16.8.
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